Last Modified: February 25, 2024 18:08 CEST

Changelog #

The most important changes to EulandaConnect can be found listed chronologically here:

Version Date Description
3.3.1 Bugfixes: New: Lot of new Pester Tests
3.3.1 25/02/2024 Bugfixes: Get-TranslationSection raises an Error on empt lines
3.3.1 25/02/2024 New: Get-LatestOpenVPNVersion retrieves the newest version number of the OpenVPN MSI client software from the community website, e.g., 2.5.6. Install-LatestOpenVPN downloads and installs the latest MSI in unattended mode with the option to install Easy-RSA. Test-OpenVPNInstalled checks if OpenVPN is already installed.
3.3.1 25/02/2024 New: New-OpenVpnTls, ConvertTo-WindowsLineEndingFile, ConvertTo-UnixLineEndingFile in preparation for OpenVpn-Autoinstaller.
3.2.5 07/02/2023 Bugfixes: In the private function Test-FtpFolder, which is used by Test-RemoteFolder. Also in some ftp functions and in German resource files. For this reason the Backup-MssqlDatabase function triggered a format error in German.
3.2.5 07/02/2023 New: A bunch of new pester tests (more then 100).
3.2.3 06/30/2023 New: Get-NewNumberFromSeries Get the next number from series like OrderNo, OfferNo and so on, from EULANDA ERP system. New-PurchaseOrder and New-PurchaseOrderLineItem creates EULANDA Purchase order by API in PowerShell. Get-SupplierId gets the supplierId for an -addressMatch. Test-Website checks broken links and more.
3.2.3 06/30/2023 Bugfixes: for Get-ArticleId, Get-ArticleNo and Get-ArticlePackingUnit if the search criteria was not a string an exception was thrown.
3.2.2 06/25/2023 Added a lot of new Pester-Tests
3.2.2 06/25/2023 Bugfixes: Convert-Slugify had an problem with the EUR symbol.
3.2.2 06/25/2023 More Pester-Tests
3.2.1 06/25/2023 New: Convert-DatanormToXml, Convert-FromDatanorm, Import-ArticleFromXml and Convert-OemToUtf8 brings the datanorm standard to PowerShell.
3.1.9 06/21/2023 Breaking Change: Function Import-TieredPrices renamed, lot of new parameters and also alias exists.
3.1.8 06/21/2023 Bugfixes: Some bugfixes, when it is an Excel file.
3.1.7 06/21/2023 New: Import-TieredPrice to add tiered prices to the article table.
3.1.7 06/21/2023 The Hugo public folder is now cleaned up each time a new documentation is built
3.1.6 06/13/2023 Conflict with Send-TelegramLocation, renamed to Send-TelegramMap. One user already had a module that used this function name. Since the function is very new, I decided to change the name.
3.1.6 06/13/2023 Typo in Get-AddressId WWrite-Verbose instead of Write-Verbose.
3.1.5 06/12/2023 Confusion, the beta flag was set incorrectly in the manifest.
3.1.4 06/12/2023 Strange behavior of the delimiter function in New-Table, fixed by changeover.
3.1.3 06/12/2023 Typo in EulLog, Get-RestStr instead of Get-ResStr.
3.1.3 06/12/2023 Get-SftpNextFilename has used the FullName instead of Name.
3.1.2 06/12/2023 Send-TelegramLocation sends a location via a Telegram message, visualized on a map based on given latitude and longitude or IP address.
3.1.1 06/02/2023 New: All text outputs from error messages, help texts, warnings etc. have been converted to resources and are available as resx-file. The English edition is the template of which a German edition is now also available.
3.1.1 06/02/2023 Breaking Change: The default protocol for all remote functions has been changed to sftp instead of ftp. If you require an ftp transmission, you must explicitly set the -protocol parameter to the value ftp.
3.1.1 06/02/2023 New: Test-ReservedIp This function checks whether a given IP address is a part of the reserved IP address ranges. Test-IpAddress This function validates whether a given string is a valid IPv4 address. Get-IpGeoInfo This function retrieves geographic information for a specified IP address in a local cache. Merge-IpGeoInfo This function merges two geographic xml databases. Split-LogFile This function is designed to split large log files into smaller, more manageable parts based on a specified file size limit. New-Snapshot This PowerShell function named New-Snapshot creates a Volume Shadow Copy (snapshot) on a specified drive and makes it accessible through a symbolic link. Remove-Snapshot deletes a snapshot that was previously created with New-Snapshot. New-SymbolicLink Creates a new symbolic link to a target directory or file. Remove-SymbolicLink Removes an existing symbolic link. Get-Distance Calculates the distance between two points on the Earth’s surface. Convert-ToDecimalDegrees Converts coordinates in Degrees-Minutes-Seconds (DMS) format to Decimal Degrees (DD). Send-TelegramMessage Sends a message via Telegram API, without requiring a locally installed Telegram app, compatible with PowerShell 5.x and 7.x. Send-TelegramPhoto Sends a photo with a caption via Telegram API, compatible with PowerShell 5.x and 7.x.
3.0.3 05/21/2023 Bugfix: Deny-RemoteServer worked only on standard port 22
3.0.2 05/21/2023 Bugfix: Deny-RemoteServer was a bug in the logic
3.0.2 05/21/2023 Enhanced: Write-Verbose is overwritten with indent (testwise)
3.0.1 05/19/2023 New: Deny-RemoteFingerprint, Get-RemoteDir, Get-RemoteFileAge, Get-RemoteFileDate, Get-RemoteFileSize, Get-RemoteNextFilename, New-RemoteFolder, Receive-RemoteFile, Remove-RemoteFingerprint, Remove-RemoteFolder, Rename-RemoteFile, Rename-RemoteFolder, Select-OutdatedFilenames, Send-RemoteFile,Test-RemoteFile and Test-RemoteFolder. Now all remote functions supports FTP, FTPS and SFTP. If SFTP is used, you have to install POSH-SSH from PsGallery also.
3.0.1 05/19/2023 Enhanced: and now accepts also empty text parameter.
2.5.8 05/07/2023 Bugfix: There was a count error on a new installation, and the documentation was also expanded.
2.5.7 05/07/2023 New:
2.5.6 05/05/2023 Bugfix: The functions and now utilize a registry key to calculate the folder name.
2.5.5 05/04/2023 Bugfix: No version number in, module folder not detected in the right way.
2.5.4 05/04/2023 New: Test-Console
2.5.3 05/03/2023 New:,, and
2.5.3 05/02/2023 New: Export-ArticleToXml, Export-PropertyToXml, Find-MssqlServer, Get-BreadcrumbId, Get-BreadcrumbPath, Get-PropertySql, Get-SalesOrderId, Get-UpsellingFromVariants, Get-XmlEulandaAddress, Get-XmlEulandaArticle, Get-XmlEulandaBreadcrumb, Get-XmlEulandaMetadata, Get-XmlEulandaProperty, Get-XmlEulandaRoot, Get-XmlEulandaShop, Get-XmlEulandaStock, Get-XmlEulandaTierPrice, New-ConnStr, Test-PrivateIP, Test-ShopExtension
2.5.3 05/02/2023 Enhanced: Lot of function now with more parameter e.g. Get-ArticleId now also with UDI and others. All global variables now have ec prefix. Find-MssqlServer is now much more faster.
2.5.3 05/02/2023 Breaking Change: All standalone global variables now have ec prefix. Dropped Find-MssqBrowser (now see Find-MssqlServer).
2.3.12 03/19/2023 Enhanced: Documentation enhanced with XML file format description and roadmap on the first page
Bugfix: When using the article number in the Get-ArticleId function, an error was occurring stating that the ArticleId variable was unknown. This has now been fixed.
2.3.11 03/10/2023 New: Get-Subnet, Get-NextIp, Get-NetworkId,Get-MaxHosts , Get-LocalIp, Get-GatewayIp,Get-FirstIp, Get-Cidr, Get-BroadcastIp, Find-MssqlBrowser, Convert-SubnetToBitMask, Confirm-System
2.3.10 03/09/2023 New:
2.3.9 03/08/2023 New: and
2.3.8 03/08/2023 Bugfix: The ‘Out-Welcome’ function in PowerShell has also influenced the culture of the system.
2.3.7 03/08/2023 New: The ‘Update-Desktop’ function refreshes the desktop.
2.3.6 03/08/2023 Bugfix: The ‘Hide-Extensions’ and ‘Show-Extensions’ functions are now working as expected
2.3.5 03/08/2023 Enhanced: The ‘Out-Welcome’ function supports culture and displays the module path.
2.3.4 03/07/2023 New: The ‘Resize-Image’ function has been added and supports simple pipeline commands
2.3.3 03/07/2023 Enhanced: The ‘Approve-Signature’ function now uses the file with the last folder name when invoked without parameters.
2.3.2 03/07/2023 New: Approve-Signature
2.3.1 03/06/2023 Breaking Change: The ‘Rename-Database’ function has been renamed to ‘Rename-MssqlDatabase’. Additionally, some functions such as ‘Get-MssqlInstances’ and ‘Rename-MssqlDatabase’ are now backward compatible with Windows PowerShell 5.1.
2.2.6 03/06/2023 Bugfix: The ‘Get-MssqlInstances’ function did not work correctly when the user was an administrator.
2.2.4 03/06/2023 New: Get-MssqlInstances
2.2.3 03/05/2023 Bugfix: There were formatting glitches in ‘Out-Welcome’ when no project was defined.
New: Additionally, new functions have been added, including ‘Protect-String’, ‘Unprotect-String’, and ‘Get-TranslateSection’.
2.2.2 03/04/2023 New: Rename-Database (MSSQL)
2.2.1 03/02/2023 Enhanced: The project has been restructured. The folder structure is now streamlined and more organized.
2.1.28 03/01/2023 Enhanced: The banner has a new layout.
Breaking Change: Additionally, there are some breaking changes, including the removal of the ‘ChangeLocation’ feature in ‘Out-Welcome’ and the addition of a new parameter called ‘ProjectScript’.
2.1.27 03/01/2023 New: Read-VersionFromSynopsis
2.1.26 03/01/2023 New: Show-MsgBox supports now OnTop
2.1.25 03/01/2023 New: Show-MsgBox and ShowMsgBoxYes
2.1.24 02/28/2023 Bugfix: The ‘Install-SignTool’ bug has been fixed.
New: ‘Out-Welcome’ now includes an additional parameter called ‘ChangeLocation’.
Enhanced: Furthermore, the documentation has been enhanced.
2.1.23 02/28/2023 Enhanced: The documentation (a separate GitHub project) is now synchronized with the PowerShell modules GitHub project.
2.1.21 02/27/2023 New: Get-ArticleSql
2.1.20 02/26/2023 New: The license file is now available in both MD and TXT formats.
New: Global ADO constants have been added
2.1.18 02/25/2023 Enhanced: All help files, including MAML, are now complete
2.1.12 02/24/2023 Enhanced: The EulandaConnect module is now EV signed.
2.1.11 02/20/2023 Bugfix: have been made to ‘adoConstants’