Last Modified: June 23, 2023 06:55 CEST

Welcome #

to the heart of EulandaConnect! #

Actually local links in this readme document do not work, they are rendered for online documentation in HUGO CMS.

This is where we unravel the power of our open-source project: a treasury of PowerShell functions waiting to revolutionize your workflow. Our documentation has been neatly divided into these chapters:

Navigate through the main menu on your left, or skim through a summary on the right side of your screen. And if you’re ever lost, the original project is just a click away at:

<== Open the functions folder on the left to see what’s in it.

Perhaps the most fascinating part? Our “Functions” chapter, where the real magic happens. Whether you’re keen on sending Telegram messages, securing the MSSQL Server, or saving histories on FTP or SFTP servers, there’s a function for you. The spotlight is on automation of your EULANDA inventory management – your one-stop-shop to a myriad of functions, each one as intriguing as the other.

Ready for more? Our Readme page has you covered with installation guides, updates, and much more.

So dive in, explore, and enjoy your journey with

EULANDA Software GmbH

Good luck!