Get Property SQL
Last Modified: February 25, 2024 18:18 CEST

Get-PropertySql #


Generates the SQL statement used by Get-XmlEulandaProperty


Get-PropertySql [-breadcrumbRoot <String>] [[-tablename] <String>] [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>]


Creates the SQL command used internally by Get-XmlEulandaProperty. The path where the select statement will retrieve the data is specified through the -breadcrumbPath parameter. The table on which the property tree is based is specified through the -tablename parameter. Valid values for -tablename are Article, Address, and Delivery.


Example 1:Creates the SQL command for exporting a property tree #

PS C:\> Get-PropertySql -breadcrumbPath '\Shop' -tablename 'Article'
-- Format path 'subpath1\subpath2\subpath3' without leading or trailing backslashes
        DECLARE @BreadcrumbPath VARCHAR(100) = '\Shop';
        SET @BreadcrumbPath = REPLACE(@BreadcrumbPath, '\\', '')
        IF LEFT(@BreadcrumbPath, 1) = '\' SET @BreadcrumbPath = SUBSTRING(@BreadcrumbPath, 2, LEN(@BreadcrumbPath) - 1)
        IF RIGHT(@BreadcrumbPath, 1) = '\' SET @BreadcrumbPath = SUBSTRING(@BreadcrumbPath, 1, LEN(@BreadcrumbPath) - 1)
        SET @BreadcrumbPath = LTRIM(RTRIM(@BreadcrumbPath))

    DECLARE @ParentId INT = NULL;
    DECLARE @BreadcrumbId INT = NULL;
    DECLARE @Crumb VARCHAR(1024);

    SELECT @ParentId=Id From merkmal where tabelle = 'artikel' and merkmaltyp=0 and ParentId is Null
    WHILE LEN(@BreadcrumbPath) > 0
      SET @Crumb = LEFT(@BreadcrumbPath, CHARINDEX('\', @BreadcrumbPath + '\') - 1);
      SET @BreadcrumbPath = SUBSTRING(@BreadcrumbPath, LEN(@Crumb) + 2, 1024);
      SELECT @ParentId = Id
        FROM Merkmal
        WHERE [Name] = @Crumb AND
          IsNull(ParentId, -1) = IsNull(@ParentId, -1)  AND
          Tabelle = 'artikel';
      IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 SET @ParentId = -1;

    SET @BreadcrumbId = @ParentId;
    -- Result is: @BreadcrumbId
    -- Select the tree starting with the BreadcrumpID. If no ID is provided, select the entire tree.
            ID, ParentID, Name, UID,
            CASE WHEN MerkmalTyp = 2 THEN 1 Else MerkmalTyp END [Sort],
            Beschreibung, SqlBedingung, Color
        FROM Merkmal
          ID = @BreadcrumbID
          AND Tabelle = 'artikel'
          AND NOT Name LIKE '.%'
        UNION ALL
          t.ID, t.ParentID, t.Name, t.UID,
          CASE WHEN t.MerkmalTyp = 2 THEN 1 Else MerkmalTyp END [Sort],
          t.Beschreibung, t.SqlBedingung, t.Color
        FROM Merkmal t
          JOIN CTE c ON t.ParentID = c.ID
          t.Tabelle = 'artikel'
          AND NOT t.Name LIKE '.%'
    SELECT ID, ParentID, Name, UID, Sort, Color
    ORDER BY ParentId, Sort, Name;

The example demonstrates how to use the Get-PropertySql cmdlet to generate the SQL command that is internally used by Get-XmlEulandaProperty. The -breadcrumbPath parameter specifies the path where the select statement retrieves the data, while the -tablename parameter specifies the table to which the property tree refers. The generated SQL command is then used to retrieve the property tree data from the database.


-tablename #

The parameter specifies the name of the table for which the property tree should be exported. Currently, three tables are supported: Article, Address, and Delivery. The valid table names can be retrieved using the Get-MappingTablename function, which allows input in both the native and English names.

Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: 1
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False

-breadcrumbRoot #

Specifies the root of a property tree path. This parameter is used to search for the corresponding branch in the property tree and retrieve its ID. The retrieved ID is used for the tree starting from this point.

Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False

CommonParameters #

This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.


None #


System.Object #