Variables #
The following global variables are declared by the EulandaConnect in a variable section, most of them are read only.
EulandaConnect variables #
- ecModuleName
- ecModulePath
- ecModuleBase
- ecManifestPath
- ecManifest
- ecModuleVersion
- ecModuleCopyright
- ecModuleLicenseUri
- ecStartTime
- ecEndTime
- ecCulture
- ecProjectName
- ecProjectVersion
- ecResx
- ecProcessId
ADO variables #
- adCmdText
- adLockOptimistic
- adOpenKeyset
- adStateClosed
- adStateConnecting
- adStateExecuting
- adStateFetching
- adStateOpen
- adTimeout
- adUseClient
ADO Data types #
- adArray
- adBSTR
- adBigInt
- adBinary
- adBoolean
- adChapter
- adChar
- adCurrency
- adDBDate
- adDBTime
- adDBTimeStamp
- adDate
- adDecimal
- adDouble
- adEmpty
- adError
- adFileTime
- adGUID
- adIDispatch
- adInteger
- adLongVarBinary
- adLongVarChar
- adLongVarWChar
- adNumeric
- adPropVariant
- adSingle
- adSmallInt
- adTinyInt
- adUnsignedBigInt
- adUnsignedInt
- adUnsignedSmallInt
- adUnsignedTinyInt
- adVarBinary
- adVarChar
- adVarNumeric
- adVarWChar
- adVariant
- adWChar
MsgBox variables #
- mbNone
- mbOk
- mbOkCancel
- mbAbortRetryIgnore
- mbYesNoCancel
- mbYesNo
- mbRetryCancel
- mbStop
- mbHand
- mbQuestion
- mbWarning
- mbExclamation
- mbInfo
- mbAsterisk
- mbInformation
- mbButton1
- mbButton2
- mbButton3
- mbButton4
- mbrOk
- mbrCancel
- mbrYes
- mbrNo
- mbrAbort
- mbrRetry
- mbrIgnore
- mbrTryAgain
- mbrContinue
Assemblys #
Besides the global variables, the following assemblies are also used implicitly:
- System.Windows.Forms
- PresentationFramework